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Design, Marketing November 2022

‘Bridges Are Falling Down’

Writen by Wasil Zaki

Viewed 3 min read

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What was the last time you were worried about losing your job where you’ve spent years, serving the company? Probably this is the time when you should be thinking about it.

With sinking economies, technological advancements, virtual / digital workstations being common, employees are getting jobless every day. With much faster computers being portable, high end phones and super fast internet streaming; the new work order is right there on our heads. Recently Facebook sacked its 11,000 employees, after the revenue collapse. News about Twitter firing 80% of contractor employees with no official notice, is also circulating.

This is worryful for those who run their households on hand to mouth basis. The unemployment rate in Pakistan is 4.35%. Here the technological advancement is lower than the developed countries, that fortunately works in the favor of the labor class. But the question is, until when? There will eventually be a shift of mechanism on a much larger scale. The world today is entering into the advance phase of digital revolution. That means more machines, less humans.

It is the time when we have to realize the impact of technologically skilled professions which can help maintaining a stable life in the future. According to the researches, the world will not be the same after 20 years. The flying cars, talking robots or meta verse is here already. The future world is expected to be free of human errors. So, think, plan and act accordingly. Hope you won‘t miss the bus.

tags: design, figma, update

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